Jim Brown: Slavery Was Good For Business

Arizona GOP congressional candidate things slavery was good business and compares slaves to livestock.
Arizona GOP congressional candidate things slavery was good business and compares slaves to livestock.
Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss suggests sexual assault in the armed forces is due to teenage hormones.
Ann Coulter topped herself for insulting behavior this week suggesting that a hijab, or Muslim head covering, should be cause for imprisonment.
Conservative pundit Ben Carson compares gay marriage to pedophilia and bestiality. Ben Carson thinks he has no gay friends.
Ann Coulter suggests that liberal women should be able to hold public office because when challenged they “start crying.”
Republican state Senator Glenn Grothman suggests that Kwanzaa was created by white progressives and racist black people who didn’t respect Jesus.
Karl Rove suggests that Obama ‘suppressed the vote’ by making Romney look like someone you wouldn’t want to vote for. … Really.
Rick Santorum states that ‘smart people’ will never side with the conservative cause because they want their facts and book learnin’ to determine policy.
Republican congressman Mike Kelly compares free contraception to Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks.
Conservative radio host Michael Savage suggests that Supreme Court justice John Roberts may have ruled in favor of Obama’s health care plan because he takes anti-seizure medication.