Spike Lee: Django Unchained ‘Disrespectful’ Without Viewing

Spike Lee suggests that the Quentin Tarantino movie Django Unchained is ‘disrespectful’ to his ancestors but hasn’t seen the movie.
Spike Lee suggests that the Quentin Tarantino movie Django Unchained is ‘disrespectful’ to his ancestors but hasn’t seen the movie.
Bill O’Reilly states with total confidence that Christianity is not a religion but a philosophy. Trying to dodge the separation of church and state?
Fox News contributor Steven Chowder claims that liberals protest by committing felonies, specifically assaulting, maiming, and raping. Ahh, the joys of an election year.
Pat Robertson suggests that civil union between same sex partners brings ‘disease and suffering.’
Fox News host Geraldo Rivera claims to have been ‘manually raped’ by TSA agents. People who have been raped are not amused.
Geraldo Rivera claims that being scared of black kids is an automatic reflex and that hoodies encourage violence. Choice words here.
John McCain suggests that Sarah Palin was the best qualified choice to run as his Vice President. The world disagrees.
Rush Limbaugh implies that anyone advocating contraception must be promiscuous. That and he’s a misogynist.
Former Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra is running campaign ads blaming China for our problems and using an Asian-American actress speaking very falsely broken English. What decade is this?
Bill O’Reilly seems to think that Pro-Lifers experience more discrimination than gay people. Bill O’Reilly would be wrong.