Rush Limbaugh: Constraception Advocate A ‘Slut’

The Rush Limbaugh–Sandra Fluke controversy erupted on February 29, 2012, when American conservative talk-show host and noted critic of feminism[1][2][3][4] Rush Limbaugh made a series of derogatory remarks about Georgetown University Law Center law student and women’s rights advocate Sandra Fluke, referring to her as a “slut” and as a “prostitute” for her testimony at an unofficial Congressional hearing in support of mandated private health insurance coverage for contraceptives.[5] The comments were widely regarded as highly defamatory and misogynistic, and provoked a large-scale backlash that manifested through social media, focused on pressuring sponsors to pull their advertising from the program. Numerous companies have announced that they were discontinuing their advertising campaigns with Limbaugh and Clear Channel Communications, the distributor of his talk show.