Pat Robertson: Gay People Will Give You AIDS With Spy Ring

Pat Robertson reveals the extent of his dementia asserting that gay people infect others with AIDS using infected rings.
Pat Robertson reveals the extent of his dementia asserting that gay people infect others with AIDS using infected rings.
Bill O’Reilly states with total confidence that Christianity is not a religion but a philosophy. Trying to dodge the separation of church and state?
Fox News host Eric Bolling defends the NYPD program to spy on Muslims by claiming that “every terrorist on American soil has been a Muslim.” Many are left to wonder if he’s making this stuff up as he goes.
Pat Robertson suggests that civil union between same sex partners brings ‘disease and suffering.’
Fox News host Geraldo Rivera claims to have been ‘manually raped’ by TSA agents. People who have been raped are not amused.
Geraldo Rivera claims that being scared of black kids is an automatic reflex and that hoodies encourage violence. Choice words here.
Host of the Love Connection, Chuck Woolery thinks ‘we don’t need civil rights.’ Specifically black people. Isn’t he’s missing something?…
Bill O’Reilly seems to think that Pro-Lifers experience more discrimination than gay people. Bill O’Reilly would be wrong.
Bill O’Reilly tells The Muppets that ‘they better watch it’ after Miss Piggy make critical remarks about Fox News