Cecil Ash: I Support Latino Day If We Get Caucasian Day

If they become a minority, Arizona State Rep. Cecil Ash wants to celebrate the “accomplishments and the contributions of the Caucasian population.” Somehow this guy thinks White Person Day sounds kosher.


Shadrack McGill: Bible Mandates Low Teacher Pay

Alabama State Senetor Shadrack McGill thinks keeping teacher pay low is a biblical principle and that high pay would attract people only in it for the money.


Bill O’Reilly Threatens The Muppets

Bill O’Reilly tells The Muppets that ‘they better watch it’ after Miss Piggy make critical remarks about Fox News


Stacey Campfield: Virtually Impossible To Get AIDS Through Heterosexual Sex

U.S. Senator advocates blatant public health falsehood that will endanger people’s lives and thinks AIDS started with a pilot having sex with a ‘monkey.’ High School biology be damned!


Joseph Maturo: Response To Police Abuse Against Latinos – Eat A Taco

The mayor of East Haven Connecticut responded to the arrest of police officers on charges of violating the rights of Latino citizens by suggesting he’d reach out to the community by eating a taco.


Ralph Shortey: Bill To Ban Human Fetuses In Food

Without divulging his ‘evidence’ to support the concern this Oklahoma Senator filed a bill to ban the use of human fetuses in food products. He doesn’t know if it’s happening, but just in case.


Stephen Moore: State Of The Union Seating Like ‘Date Rape’

Wall Street Journal reporter compares seating arrangement at State of the Union to ‘date rape?’ So sitting next to an ideological rival feels like being forcibly penetrated? What does he know about date rape and does he have any female friends?